Moving Forward

Moving Forward

February 02, 20242 min read

It's a brand new year and most of us we’re glad about that. For some of us 2020 was a rough year, one that contained many losses and deep hurts. Then again for some of you it was your best year ever. You accomplished new goals, launched new classes on Zoom and much more, as a matter of fact you're still relishing in your successes. Well regardless of where you find yourself, it's a new year, a new season and God wants to do a new thing.

As we step with faith into this new year let us do so by "Forgetting and Pressing"! Forget the pain and disappointment of the past, glean from it what you must but leave behind but what tripped you up. Those successes, they were great but that was yesterday, that was last year. God wants to do a new thing, He wants to show up in your life, your business, and many other areas in ways you can't imagine or would expect. Take the limits off of Him, trust Him enough to let go and press towards a higher mark.

This year make more room for Christ. Commit to live each day closer to Him than you did the day before. Get up a little earlier and spend time in prayer and reading His word, let Him order your day. Guard your family time. Make sure your influence isn't greater publicly than privately, your family, they're your First ministry. Press into Him daily and watch your life change.

If you will do these things you will experience success and see tremendous growth. You'll have an inner strength and resolve that will carry you through the highs and lows of this year.

So join me as I commit to doing as the Apostle Paul said in Philippians 3:13-14; "But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

Forget and Press! #lifepurppse #press #goals

Moving Forward

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